Saturday, June 13, 2009

Solo show downtown through June

Urban Perspective: City Views
13 pieces by artist Julia Hensley
Curated by Becky Brooks

Presented by

Sightline Institute
1402 Third Ave 
Fifth Floor, Suite 500
206-447-1880 ext. 100

Through the month of June

Visit on weekdays between 10am and 3pm
All 13 pieces are available for purchase. You may Contact me for availability. Affordably priced.
The work is a collection of my abstract urban landscapes in oil, acrylics, and gouache-on-pater collage. Most of the images are Seattle-area scenes, with a few of Boston, New York, and Las Vegas. 
Sightline Institute, Cascadia's sustainability think tank, is an important organization to the Northwest region and beyond as they research and communicate trends that are crucial to the region's future: health, economy, population, energy, sprawl, wildlife, and pollution. They provide the research and tools needed to make progress on a range of solutions to these issues. The now familiar term 'green-collar jobs' was coined at Sightline.
After viewing the art, you are invited to respond to the question, “What thoughts about sustainability are inspired by Julia's art - or by art in general?” 

A notebook to share your response is available near the artwork, or you can add your comment in the specially created Wordpress blog, Art and Sustainability. We invite you to stop by and just look, or write a few words. All thoughts are appreciated.
Julia Hensley
Miller Paint; Oil on Panel; 16" x 20"; 2006 
Photo: Michael Matisse

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